
Virtual Reality Hire South Africa

Virtual Reality South Africa specialize in the hiring of Virtual Reality Headsets for events and activations. We have one of the largest selections of Virtual Reality Headsets for hire in South Africa. Our range consist of Samsung Gear Virtual Reality Headsets, The Oculus Go Virtual Reality Headsets, Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headsets and the HTC VIVE virtual reality headsets.

For more information also see Virtual Reality Rentals.

3DOF Virtual Reality Headsets for Hire

You get two types of Virtual Reality headsets. 3DOF VR headsets and 6DOF VR Headsets. The 3DOF VR headsets like the Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Go and Google Cardboard units. These Virtual Reality headsets allow you to experience virtual reality as a spectator. You cannot physically move in the virtual reality space because the headset does not track your body movement.

These Virtual Reality Headsets are generally good for static virtual reality experiences where the user doesn’t move around inside virtual reality and does not need to interact with objects inside the virtual reality experience like picking up objects and interacting with these objects. 3DOF virtual reality headsets in some cases use a dot in the centre of your field of view and a button on the headset to allow you to interact with objects by looking at something or looking at something and then clicking the button. The Oculus Go units and some Samsung Gear VR units come with a controller that allows you to interact with the objects in Virtual Reality.

Typical usage of 3DOF headsets includes watching movies, watching 360° videos and playing limited games and experience where you do not need to be tracked!


3 DOF Virtual Reality Headset hire Samsung Gear VR + Samsung S7 or Samsung S8


Oculus Go Virtual Reality Hire South Africa – Oculus Go all in one virtual reality headset.

6DOF Virtual Reality Headsets for Hire

This is the cool virtual reality headsets and the ones people usually talk. These virtual reality headsets depending on the content that you play in them allows you to move inside the virtual reality experience. They typically use sensors to monitor your movement inside Virtual Reality and can track you inside the experience. The 6 DOF headsets allows you to interact with object inside VR like the way that you interact in the real world. It’s got 3DOF capability allowing you to see in all directions around you by looking around in the experience and if content permits it you can also move 3DOF inside the experience, in simple terms you can move inside the experience and your body is tracked 3DOF + 3DOF = 6 Degreed of Freedom.

You can play any content on a 6DOF headset that you can play on a 3 DOF headset but you also get advanced content which allows you to move inside the experience and interact with object by using your hands, controllers or trackers depending on the technology being used. The 6 DOF VR headsets allows people to have the freedom to move in VR as they would in Real life which makes this technology awesome!6DOF Virtual Reality Headsets – The HTC VIVE is currently the Best Virtual Reality Headset available for rent.


6DOF Virtual Reality Headsets – The HTC VIVE is currently the Best Virtual Reality Headset available for rent.


6 DOF Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headset for hire

Talk to us if you are planning a Virtual Reality event and if you are looking to hire virtual reality equipment. Virtual Reality South Africa specialize in Virtual Reality equipment hire, virtual reality events and virtual reality activation. Our staff is trained to provide a professional virtual reality experience to all our clients!